my search to understand the bigger picture

Friday, May 11, 2012

VOTD-May 11

Philippians 1:6

"There has never been the slightest doubt in my mind that the God who started this great work in you would keep at it and bring it to a flourishing finish on the very day Christ Jesus appears."

it's funny how many times we are better at supporting and lifting up our friends and family than we are ourselves.  i read this verse this morning, and immediately thought of my many friends right now who have recently found themselves out of a job, many of which worked at churches and Christian non-profits.  i've been there, once by surprise, and once by choice.  it sucks.  it's hard.  in many ways it can make you feel like a failure of a christian because a "christian" organization doesn't appear to want you there anymore.  but i'm learning more and more that these things don't define our identity.  Christ has already given us our identity.  this verse above says he will continue helping us realize that until his second coming.  therefore, it doesn't matter what happens to us.  our mistakes don't matter.  he will continue working with us, helping us to see ourselves as he sees us.  so, my friends, as i remind you to take heart, dust off your shoulders, stand tall, i remind myself of that as well.  only allow the realization of your identity in Christ to enter your minds today.

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