my search to understand the bigger picture

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Today I find myself wishing for some peace and quiet. Time alone. Solitude. Nothing bad has happened. Life's going pretty good. It's been a good week. But sometimes I just need to be alone. It's hard to explain this to people who don't experience the same tug. Their feelings get hurt. They don't understand. I love people; but sometimes I MUST be alone. Today is one of those days. Unfortuntely, life doesn't always allow one to drop everything, and just take off. There's too much that needs attention. Houses to clean. Kids to watch, take care of, and play with. A spouse love, appreciate, and care for. All great things. And as I was journaling these thoughts this morning, a sobering thought occured to me. A question really. Why is it when I need something, my first reaction and response is rarely to turn to Jesus? Have I asked Him if I could have some time today? Did I ask how to go about finding this time? Take this one step further. Did I ask Jesus to come into my life and fill whatever void is there this morning? Granted, sometimes it's very Christlike to get away. But many times when He tried to do so, His time was interrupted by crowds of people. I've often wondered how He handled such situations with such care and concern. So, today I'm struck with the desire to get away. And yet, my mind begins to ask Jesus to fill that void when a break just doesn't appear to be in my future........Come Holy Spirit, give me the rest my mind and emotions so desperately need.

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