my search to understand the bigger picture

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Unexpected Gifts

"Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body."

~Proverbs 16:24

i received a short, quick message tonight from a friend on facebook.  nothing dramatic or drawn out, he simply wrote: Hey Bro. thanks for all you do.

i didn't know what to say.  taken by surprise was exactly how i felt.  unworthy.  so i let it sit for just a moment.  i heard the Father whisper that i was to simply accept this gift, accept this gracious word.  sentiments and gratitude was offered.  then, he gut punched me with this:  You really bless folks and work hard. Keep it up. If you ever need anything, come see me.

i almost began to tear up.  this man was speaking directly to my soul, exactly what it needed to hear.  this was something i've longed to hear.  to know, that someone sees and appreciates me.  

this is not meant as a thank you to this man tonight, as much as it is an encouragement to the rest of us.  we don't always need to make grand gestures in this world to make a tremendous impact.  we simply need to remember this proverb above, and ACT on it.  a well timed, gracious, heart felt word is a blessing that is difficult to match.  it is powerful, lifts other's up, helps them see themselves as the Father sees them.  

thank you my friend.  you truly spoke life into me tonight, provided sweetness to my soul and health to my body.

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