my search to understand the bigger picture

Sunday, August 28, 2011

"You go, we go"

So this scene came to mind today in the strangest of places. I was at church, and it was during praise and worship at the end of the service. God was really moving, and I was feeling many things I thought He might be trying to tell me. And at one point, a picture of me hanging off a cliff with someone holding me by the hand, keeping me from falling, came to mind. I stayed with the scene for a few moments, and then the Backdraft scene came to mind.

I began to feel like that's exactly what God has been doing for me the past little while. I've truly felt at the edge at moments, felt like nothing more than a sinking ship. And yet, this vision was showing me that God was right there, holding me by His fingertips, saying "You go, we go".

Now, the only problem here is that in the scene above Kurt Russell's character ends up letting go. But God NEVER will. Some of you might be there with me. You might feel like there's nothing else to do but give up. And I think God wants to show you He's right there, keeping you from falling. He's saying, "You go, we go" but the truth is that He will never fail. His grip will NEVER slip. He will NEVER let go!

And what an amazing truth that is! So reassuring.

So I decided to have a fire tonight, to give God some more time, and take a few moments to reflect on that today. And He brought to mind a passage that I've been working on memorizing. A passage I've shared before; one that's been dear to my heart for years now.

Isaiah 42:16 in The Message says,

"But I'll take the hand of those who don't know the way,
who can't see where they're going.
I'll be a personal guide to them,
directing them through unknown country.
I'll be right there to show them what roads to take,
make sure they don't fall into the ditch.
These are the things I'll be doing for them--
sticking with them, never leaving them for a minute."

What a powerful promise here. God will take our hands when we are bling to all else. He will guide us each and every step through those tough times, when all we want to do is give up. He'll show us what roads to take, keeping us from falling. He will stick with us, and never leave us. What power in these words. What a great reminder for me tonight.

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